Whatsyourprice Credits

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Matchmaking service summerfield nc. Online dating has its fair share of challenges, especially if you want to find the right person. And that's where a site like Whatsyourprice.com comes into play. Whatsyourprice.com is established in 2010 with the user-base 2,000,000+. The idea here is that it's super challenging to find the right woman, so men can find amazing women here that will be reimbursed for the date. The idea of making or receiving bids on dates is super fun and unique, and it does make the dating experience a bit more exciting.


Purchasing WhatsYourPrice credits Generous members can buy credits by clicking the buy credits icon in the top right of the navigation bar and select the 'Purchase' option. Services are free for attractive members, which brings about many sugar baby membership. I have not made a final judgment about WhatsYourPrice, but it is not looking very good. On 12/6/2018 at 7:11 AM I purchased a '100 Credit Package' for $50. The first member I contacted accepted my $50 bid for a date but failed to follow through, because in her mind I was not rich enough for her 62 year-old self. WhatsYourPrice FAQ page covers the most commonly asked questions about how WhatsYourPrice works. The user you contacted has an active (i.e. Not deactivated) profile and simply chooses not to respond to your message. Credits open up the possibility of communication, but are not a guarantee that a user will respond or go on a date with you.

Whatsyourprice.com is free to join. However, if you want to participate in the bidding, you will require consent to communicate with other members. The communication privileges need you to use on-site credits. The credits never expire. You can buy them to unlock conversations and go on first dates! The credits fee are as following:

  • 100 credits: $50
  • 450 credits: $150
  • 1000 credits: $250

How to Join

You can create your profile free via the email address, your account will be activated after you verified your email address. You can fill some basic information and upload private photos during the registration process.

Site Features

Right off the bat, Whatsyourprice.com is all about paying for a date. There are many women on the site that prepare very hard for dates, so you will have to reimburse them. North creek online dating free. The prices will differ based on the woman, but you will notice the price once the bids start appearing. The website has more than 2 million users and you can find them in your area without a problem. You have close to 5 million bids on the first date, which is extremely important to consider and keep in mind. The average first date incentive is quite impressive and more than enough for just about anyone.

With Whatsyourprice.com you always know what you are getting into. And that's because women can initiate a date and men will start bidding. The process is very convenient and powerful, and it does bring in front some challenging things that you need to think about. The great results related to Whatsyourprice is that you can end up actually having a great date with amazing women.

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Special Features

In fact, most women on WhatsYourPrice are very fancy, they are knowledgeable, so when you go on a date here, you will have a really good and exciting time. It does take a bit of time to find the right person. But the fact that you can actually browse the current dates and bid on the one you like is really exciting.

Whatsyourprice Credits

This bidding system certainly makes it easier for you to find a date. You know exactly what you are getting into and what you can expect, and you can stop bidding if you think the prices are too much to begin with. There's no rush or no particular thing that will push you to overspend, which we like a lot about this website. Instead, it makes things clear from the get-go. If you want to date someone here, you will have to pay for that and the price is chosen by you. How crazy you will go with the bidding process, that's all up to you.

We found that WhatsYourPrice is a very convenient website for people that want to pay for a date. The average prices here are reasonable and the bidding system does make things unique and fun. However, there will be times when you will be outbid by someone else. It happens quite often, so all you have to do is to stick to your budget. Find the right dating opportunity and bid at your own pace, it will be a great experience!

In order to get a clear picture of what WhatsYourPrice offers — as well as how it functions — please read our in-depth WhatsYourPrice review. Dating a man in pickerington ohio. Honestly, a lot of things may surprise you about this site.

WhatsYourPrice Review Results
  • Popularity - 68
  • Value - 71
  • Features - 74
  • Quality of Members - 84
  • Safety - 77
  • Customer Satisfaction - 83

Final Word on WhatsYourPrice

We were not certain of what to expect with WhatsYourPrice. Fortunately, we found a dating site that actually delivers results. Mind you, we do not believe that you will find long-term romance on the site, but if you are interested in meeting people fast, WhatsYourPrice delivers.

We were also pleased to discover that the site is not some sleazy 'pay for sex' sort of operation. We concur with the news reports that we had seen and what the site itself states, the payment angle is simply to facilitate the first date — nothing more.

Provided that you are not using it to find a long-term relationship, we would rate WhatsYourPrice as COSTLY, but VERY GOOD.

— Pros and Cons —


  • Has been in operation since 2010
  • Provides verification of members for security
  • Offers an optional verified member feature for advanced security
  • Men pay only when they are going to use the site — there are no monthly fees
  • Women can use the full functionality of the site for free


  • Difficult to find a woman willing to accept a date for under $100
  • On average, bidding and talking with a woman will cost you $6 in credits
  • Can take as long as 24 hours to have your profile verified

It would be safe to assume that everybody is familiar with eBay, the popular online auction site. Imagine if finding a date with an attractive and desirable woman was as easy as bidding on that Star Wars collectible mug on eBay. It is that type of transaction and convenience that an online dating site called WhatsYourPrice.com attempts to replicate.

Originally launched in 2010, the site revolves entirely around the concept of bringing together a man who is willing to pay for a first date with a woman that he found on the site.

Just with that little tidbit of information, we are certain that the floodgates of questions must be opening up in your mind right now.

Whatsyourprice free credits

— The Basics —

Whatsyourprice Free Credits

Let's get some of the basics of WhatsYourPrice.com out of the way first. It is important to start by stating that this website is not a front for some sort of escort agency or prostitution ring. As a matter of fact, the site clearly states on its terms of service that it is not for escorts. It further states that if any escorts or prostitutes are found on the site their accounts will be immediately terminated. Now that the 'prostitution' question is out of the way, let's dig into some of the other basic concepts of the site. (Admit it, you were thinking it)

WhatsYourPrice was launched in 2010 and it has remained in continuous operation ever since. It has even been highlighted by numerous television and news programs such as ABC's 20/20. In terms of being genuine, WhatsYourPrice can legitimately be called an established online dating site. Of that, we have no doubt. It is definitely not some fly by night outfit.

— First Impression —

When we first visited the site, to us it appeared like any other established dating site. It has a nice and modern design. It does not appear cheesy nor cheap. Like the vast majority of other online dating sites, the most prominent feature on its welcome page is the registration box.

When you scroll down, the site's welcome page also offers informational snippets about the site and how it works. It also has links to its blog and FAQ section. Those sections offer more detailed insight about the site and what sort of experience to expect.

— Registration Process —

Registering on WhatsYourPrice follows the abbreviated front-end method of registration. In other words, you are required to provide a minimal amount of information to get started. You will be asked to select your gender and whether you are looking to 'bid on dates' or to 'get paid for dates.'

That gets the ball rolling on what is essentially a one to two-minute registration process. You will also be asked to enter your date of birth and a valid email address.

You will be sent a validation link to your email. You will have to click on it as one of the key verification metrics used by the site.

Another verification metric used by WhatsYourPrice is the evaluation of your profile picture. Even though you do not have to upload your profile picture when you are registering, your account will not be verified — and therefore not fully usable — until you do submit a picture.

Your profile picture is reviewed by a WhatsYourPrice staff member. During our testing, we found that this process took anywhere from three to 24 hours.

— The Platform and User Experience —

Once your account is fully verified you will be able to start using the WhatsYourPrice platform. Prior to that all you are permitted to do is look around.

The platform itself is uncomplicated and intuitive to use. You have a navigation bar at the top of the page. This provides you with quick access to your favorites list, your messages, and your bids/offers. On the upper righthand corner you will find a thumbnail of your profile pic and your username. By clicking on either of them you can access your profile settings. On there, you can edit and manage your profile information as well as settings related to such things as the preferred attributes of your matches.

Before we expand on the search and discovery functionality of the site, it is important that we discuss cost.

— Cost —

There is no cost to register with WhatsYourPrice.com. However, in order to be able to bid on a date, you will need to have communication privileges. These communication privileges require you to use on-site credits. These credits are purchased in blocks of 100, 450, and 1,000 credits. The cost for these blocks of credits is $50, $150, and $250 respectively.

There is also an option to become a verified member. By becoming a verified member your chances for having your date bids accepted — or being selected for a date — are greatly improved. This has a one-time cost of $50 and can take several days to complete on the part of WhatsYourPrice. They essentially conduct a background check on you. This means that you will also be required to submit personally identifiable information inclusive of copies of your identification.

Women who join the site to get paid for dates do not have to pay for the communication feature. The verified member option, however, is open to them if they so choose for the same $50 price.

— Search and Discovery —

When you enter the search section of the platform you will find a scrollable display of tiled images consisting of the profile pictures of women looking for dates. Immediately below their profile pics, you will find their username, age, location, and how long ago they were last online. You can filter these results by clicking on the 'filters' icon. This will customize the profiles displayed to you by the attributes of your choosing.

By clicking on a profile picture you are redirected to that user's profile page. On there you'll be able to see more information about that person. You will also see the 'about myself' and 'my ideal first date' section as written by the user.

There are three buttons that you can use. One is to send a wink, the other is to add that member to your favorites list, and the third button is labeled ‘make offer.' That is what you click when you want to bid on a date with that person.

— Bidding —

Bidding can start as low as $5 and can go as high as you wish. On average, most dates are made between the $100 to $250 range.

Whatsyourprice free credits

The woman can accept your bid or return with a counter-offer. If you both accept the price, you can move on to setting up your first date by chatting further on the platform.


Final Word on WhatsYourPrice

We were not certain of what to expect with WhatsYourPrice. Fortunately, we found a dating site that actually delivers results. Mind you, we do not believe that you will find long-term romance on the site, but if you are interested in meeting people fast, WhatsYourPrice delivers.

We were also pleased to discover that the site is not some sleazy 'pay for sex' sort of operation. We concur with the news reports that we had seen and what the site itself states, the payment angle is simply to facilitate the first date — nothing more.

Provided that you are not using it to find a long-term relationship, we would rate WhatsYourPrice as COSTLY, but VERY GOOD.

— Pros and Cons —


  • Has been in operation since 2010
  • Provides verification of members for security
  • Offers an optional verified member feature for advanced security
  • Men pay only when they are going to use the site — there are no monthly fees
  • Women can use the full functionality of the site for free


  • Difficult to find a woman willing to accept a date for under $100
  • On average, bidding and talking with a woman will cost you $6 in credits
  • Can take as long as 24 hours to have your profile verified

It would be safe to assume that everybody is familiar with eBay, the popular online auction site. Imagine if finding a date with an attractive and desirable woman was as easy as bidding on that Star Wars collectible mug on eBay. It is that type of transaction and convenience that an online dating site called WhatsYourPrice.com attempts to replicate.

Originally launched in 2010, the site revolves entirely around the concept of bringing together a man who is willing to pay for a first date with a woman that he found on the site.

Just with that little tidbit of information, we are certain that the floodgates of questions must be opening up in your mind right now.

— The Basics —

Whatsyourprice Free Credits

Let's get some of the basics of WhatsYourPrice.com out of the way first. It is important to start by stating that this website is not a front for some sort of escort agency or prostitution ring. As a matter of fact, the site clearly states on its terms of service that it is not for escorts. It further states that if any escorts or prostitutes are found on the site their accounts will be immediately terminated. Now that the 'prostitution' question is out of the way, let's dig into some of the other basic concepts of the site. (Admit it, you were thinking it)

WhatsYourPrice was launched in 2010 and it has remained in continuous operation ever since. It has even been highlighted by numerous television and news programs such as ABC's 20/20. In terms of being genuine, WhatsYourPrice can legitimately be called an established online dating site. Of that, we have no doubt. It is definitely not some fly by night outfit.

— First Impression —

When we first visited the site, to us it appeared like any other established dating site. It has a nice and modern design. It does not appear cheesy nor cheap. Like the vast majority of other online dating sites, the most prominent feature on its welcome page is the registration box.

When you scroll down, the site's welcome page also offers informational snippets about the site and how it works. It also has links to its blog and FAQ section. Those sections offer more detailed insight about the site and what sort of experience to expect.

— Registration Process —

Registering on WhatsYourPrice follows the abbreviated front-end method of registration. In other words, you are required to provide a minimal amount of information to get started. You will be asked to select your gender and whether you are looking to 'bid on dates' or to 'get paid for dates.'

That gets the ball rolling on what is essentially a one to two-minute registration process. You will also be asked to enter your date of birth and a valid email address.

You will be sent a validation link to your email. You will have to click on it as one of the key verification metrics used by the site.

Another verification metric used by WhatsYourPrice is the evaluation of your profile picture. Even though you do not have to upload your profile picture when you are registering, your account will not be verified — and therefore not fully usable — until you do submit a picture.

Your profile picture is reviewed by a WhatsYourPrice staff member. During our testing, we found that this process took anywhere from three to 24 hours.

— The Platform and User Experience —

Once your account is fully verified you will be able to start using the WhatsYourPrice platform. Prior to that all you are permitted to do is look around.

The platform itself is uncomplicated and intuitive to use. You have a navigation bar at the top of the page. This provides you with quick access to your favorites list, your messages, and your bids/offers. On the upper righthand corner you will find a thumbnail of your profile pic and your username. By clicking on either of them you can access your profile settings. On there, you can edit and manage your profile information as well as settings related to such things as the preferred attributes of your matches.

Before we expand on the search and discovery functionality of the site, it is important that we discuss cost.

— Cost —

There is no cost to register with WhatsYourPrice.com. However, in order to be able to bid on a date, you will need to have communication privileges. These communication privileges require you to use on-site credits. These credits are purchased in blocks of 100, 450, and 1,000 credits. The cost for these blocks of credits is $50, $150, and $250 respectively.

There is also an option to become a verified member. By becoming a verified member your chances for having your date bids accepted — or being selected for a date — are greatly improved. This has a one-time cost of $50 and can take several days to complete on the part of WhatsYourPrice. They essentially conduct a background check on you. This means that you will also be required to submit personally identifiable information inclusive of copies of your identification.

Women who join the site to get paid for dates do not have to pay for the communication feature. The verified member option, however, is open to them if they so choose for the same $50 price.

— Search and Discovery —

When you enter the search section of the platform you will find a scrollable display of tiled images consisting of the profile pictures of women looking for dates. Immediately below their profile pics, you will find their username, age, location, and how long ago they were last online. You can filter these results by clicking on the 'filters' icon. This will customize the profiles displayed to you by the attributes of your choosing.

By clicking on a profile picture you are redirected to that user's profile page. On there you'll be able to see more information about that person. You will also see the 'about myself' and 'my ideal first date' section as written by the user.

There are three buttons that you can use. One is to send a wink, the other is to add that member to your favorites list, and the third button is labeled ‘make offer.' That is what you click when you want to bid on a date with that person.

— Bidding —

Bidding can start as low as $5 and can go as high as you wish. On average, most dates are made between the $100 to $250 range.

The woman can accept your bid or return with a counter-offer. If you both accept the price, you can move on to setting up your first date by chatting further on the platform.

The monetary transaction for the date does not occur on the WhatsYourPrice platform. That takes place in person between both participants. The only thing that you pay on the WhatsYourPrice platform is each time that you want to send a bid or open up a line of communication with another member. During our testing, a block of 100 credits allowed us to bid and communicate with six potential dates.

— User Experience —

Our male testers found the user experience on WhatsYourPrice satisfactory. The majority of the women on the site are legitimate and were all very friendly. There were a few female profiles that we suspected were either fake or that possibly belonged to an escort that got through the site's filters. Even so, they were pretty easy to detect and few in number. They in no way interfered with finding real women for dates.

Our female testers indicated that the request for dates that they received all came from men who used polite and courteous language. Our female testers also stated that they found the verified member badge to be an important indicator when determining whether or not to accept a bid. They felt that it added a genuine layer of security.

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